Our top 5 tips on how to care for your linen over winter

Linen is a robust fabric that can last a lifetime with proper care, washing and storage. While quality linen clothing, tableware or bedding might be more expensive to buy initially, the literal decades you’ll get out of it will ultimately make it a great investment that’s not only easy on the pocket, but great for the environment.

By following our top 5 tips, you will maintain your linen to ensure it lasts.

  1. Wash and Dry Clean Your Linen

Before storing your linen for the winter, it's important to clean it properly. Wash your linen items in cool or lukewarm water, accompanied by a gentle detergent (bonus points if you use a natural one!) Avoid using hot water and any harsh chemicals as they will damage the fibres in your item and may cause them to shrink, eek!

If you have any particularly delicate linen items, consider taking them to a professional dry cleaner. Make sure all items are completely dry before storing them. Regular washing of linen actually helps soften the fibres, so don’t be afraid to keep cleaning it!

2. Fold or Roll Your Linen Items

The way you fold or roll your items can make a huge difference. We recommend, for large linen items such as sheets and tablecloths, that you fold them neatly and avoid creasing them too tightly.

For your linen clothing, you can fold and store them in a fabric bag, on open shelves or on padded hangers. Avoid plastic containers – your linen needs to breathe!

For smaller items such as napkins and tea towels, you can roll them to save space and avoid wrinkles. Place folded or rolled items in a clean, dry storage container.

3. Store Your Linen in a Cool, Dry Place

There’s nothing worse than opening up your cupboard, grabbing your best linen frock and getting a whiff of mould! Your Linen should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture.

If you live in a humid climate, consider using a dehumidifier or placing an eco-friendly moisture absorber on the floor of your cupboard.

4. Avoid Plastic Bags or Containers

While it may be tempting to store your linen items in plastic bags or containers, this can actually be harmful to the fabric. Plastic can trap moisture and lead to mildew and mould growth. Instead, use breathable storage options such as linen storage bags or store your linen items on open shelves as we mentioned before.

5. Check on Your Linen Regularly

It's a good idea to check on your linen clothing, tableware or sheets regularly throughout the winter to ensure they are still in good nick. If you notice any signs of damage or moisture, remove the items from storage and air them out by the heater or fire. If necessary, wash and dry clean them again before storing them back in a clean, dry container.

It’s true, linen can require a little bit of extra TLC but when next summer rolls around and you decide to put on that stunning linen dress (that looks even better now than when you first bought it) you’re going to be glad you went to the trouble!

Check out our range of beautiful linen clothing. You’re sure to find some wardrobe staples that you’ll be wearing for decades to come.


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