iKOU Japanese Body Brush

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Refresh your mornings with a revitalising wellness ritual.

Body brushing, a traditional spa technique, helps stimulate blood circulation and lymphatics, exfoliate dead skin cells, and support the body's detoxification process, thus promoting overall health and wellbeing.

Here's how you can indulge in this ritual with the Japanese Body Brush:

  1. Use the dry brush before showering or getting dressed, as a wet brush clumps and won't provide the same results.

  2. Gently brush your skin in light, sweeping strokes, always moving towards the heart.

  3. Start at the base of your feet and gradually brush each section of each limb and part of the body, avoiding breasts and face.

  4. Ideally, brush each section for at least seven strokes.

    Remember to clean your brush every couple of weeks and replace it every 6-12 months. The iKOU body brush features pure plant bristles for a natural and effective brushing experience.

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